Monday, 16 February 2009

Year 2: Editorial Process

The recently completed year two project, The Editorial Process, revealed some intriguing solutions. After initial experimentation the students had to draw a subject and editorial tone for their magazine out of a hat. Some combinations were glamorous motorways, political DIY and minimal wood. Here are two solutions. More to follow.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Dean of the Academy of Fine Arts Katowice, Poland visits our course

Justyna Lauer, Dean of the Design Department at Katowice Academy of Fine Arts in Poland visited the graphic design course at Maidstone recently. The objective is to build a realtionship with us with a possible outcome of exchanges with both staff and students. She is pictured here with lecturers Silke Dettmers, Colin Gearing and Robin Chevalier. Also pictured is Hans D Reichert.

Graphic Design course featured in International Typographics Magazine "Baseline"

The new research cluster at UCA Maidstone Campus, researches and investigates the "Book as Object" in view of digital and other competing media. The international typographics magazine Baseline in its winter issue 12/2008 features the work of staff and students in the Education Spectrum section. Four pages have been dedicated to an inspirational article written by Mark Sanderson which describes and illustrates clearly the philosophy and approach of the research cluster and the BA(Hons) and MA courses in graphic design at the Maidstone campus.
The article describes how our courses have developed by a combination of practitioners and theorists who are not merely supportive of graphic design with 'content' but are actively engaged in getting students to discover the breadth and depth of their practice. The ultimate scope of our course has always been to accomodate different imaginations that can range from the scientific and systematic to the poetic and paradoxical, and so we are very excited that our unique approach to teaching, learning and research at Maidstone is being internationally recognised by the publication of this article in this prestigous periodical.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Click Creative - The free, online design magazine.

Get your work in the public eye

Click Creative is a free, online design magazine. The aim is to inspire, educate and promote creativity. Each issue that is shown is work of emerging talent, talent like YOU.

If you believe your artwork deserves a place on the cover of one of Britain's newest design magazines, click on and show the editor what makes your work different.

Whether it's Graphic Design, Illustration, Digital 3D or Web Design, they want you to show them why your good at it!!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

UCA Maidstone at the Tate Gallery - The Liquid Page Symposium

Every UCA academic is contractually obliged to conduct “Research”. Research means staff continuing with their individual artistic and academic practice as well as setting up shared projects with colleagues within a subject area. As an activity, research often remains ‘out of sight’ to students. However, it is vital part of academic life and keeps teaching up to date, fresh and alive.

In 2007, Graphic Design staff at Maidstone initiated a new Research Cluster. It launched its activities with organizing an international one-day Symposium called “The Liquid Page” at Tate Britain on 20 June 2008. The conference investigated ‘the changing space of the book/ the artist’s book, print and reading’. It acknowledged that digital technology already has radically altered what constitutes ‘the page’, and asked: “What is the book to do?”

8 speakers - artists as well as theoreticians - from USA, Australia, Poland, France and the UK presented papers that took on board the above question. The two keynote Speakers were Prof Johanna Drucker, University of Virginia, USA, and Simon Morley, writer/ artist, France UK. Johanna Drucker is the author of - amongst many others titles - “The Century of Artists Books” and “Graphic Design History, A Critical Guide”. Simon Morley wrote “Writing on the Wall, Word and Image in Modern Art”.

In the morning, the symposium took on the way that the book can change from within or without through interactions with art, technology and/or literature. In the afternoon, the speakers looked at how books could be ‘claimed’ and referred to in other media, such as painting, photography, film and performance.
A very lively debate followed, new contacts were made and follow up activities (’Liquid Page 2’) are already under discussion.

You can read reviews of the ‘Liquid Page’ conference online:

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Schwartzman Lecture a Big Success ! - Standing Room Only

13 October 2008

Students from across the five campuses of the University for the Creative Arts filled the lecture theatre at UCA Maidstone for the chance to hear Arnold Schwartzman recount highlights from his illustrious career in Graphic Design, Film, Illustration and books.

Schwartzman, who has been living in the United States for many years, gave a very lively and entertaining talk to a room full of budding graphic designers and illustrators. His career included designer on the pop music television programme: Ready Steady Go and he was able to recount tales of his work with famous musicians such as The Rolling Stones and The Who. Schwartzman spearheaded many advertising campaigns for albums including 'Sticky Fingers'. He also designed the posters and television sequences for several Oscar ceremonies.

Arnold Schwartzman began his career as a graphic designer in television and was a long time illustrator for the London Sunday Times. He became a documentary filmmaker, winning an Oscar for his 1981 film, 'Genocide'. In 1982 he was appointed director of Design for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. The recipient of numerous film and design awards, including three major design awards from D&AD, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2002.

For further press information please contact: Media Relations Office.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Tom Eckersley - Poster Exhibition

Eckersley was also a teacher of poster design and established the first graphic design course in the United Kingdom. The charm of many of Eckersley's posters is their ability to convey a strong message through a simple design.


Free Admission
Monday - Thursday 10 - 5
Friday - Saturday 11 - 4
Mascalls Gallery
Mascalls School
Maidstone Road
Paddock Wood
Kent TN 12 6L T

Monday, 22 September 2008

Arnold Schwartzman Designer Lecture

Don't miss this opportunity to hear the graphic designer, Oscar winning filmmaker and author speak about his life and work. the recipient of numerous film and design awards, including three D&AD Silver Awards. Elected to Alliance Graphique International 1974, and appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) 2002.
12:30 - 1:30 PM
Friday October 3rd
Maidstsone Campus
Lecture Theatre


Monday, 1 September 2008


The course team welcomes all new students to the course and returning students !
We hope you all have a fun and productive year.
Please watch this Blog for information regarding news, events, lectures and staff and student success. If you would like to submit stories or information to be published here please submit to :
Colin Gearing
Director of Studies

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Lecture at Maidstone College - The Life and Work of Abram Games

Lecture on the life and work of Abram Games by his daughter Naomi Games.

Monday 4 February
Lecture Theatre

all welcome

Philip Jones, Course Leader MA Graphic Design
University College for the Creative Arts at Maidstone
Oakwood Park, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8AG
telephone: +44 (0) 01622 620068

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

MA Graphic Design students partcipate in London Artist's Book Fair

Irina Rusakova, Berni Wilke, Teleah Lin and Anna Maslova studing for an MA in Graphic Design at Maidstone have participated in London Artist's Book Fair.
Their project called "Map X Out" included independent projects of each of them, connected by the subject of mapping and an interactive project, where any visitor could participate in drawing a map. It all went quite successful, more than 200 people took part in the collaborative project. And also, Irina s book "The voice of the city", which is a part of her MA project was bought by Maria White (Chief Cataloguer, Library and Archive) for the Tate Collection.

Friday, 23 November 2007

Letter from 2006 Graduate Jude Gay

Dear Colin,

You recently sent me a letter asking how, as an ex-student, I was getting on in the world of graphic design. I feel that I’m doing really well within the industry, and I have for the past year been building on my knowledge.

After graduating I had a placement at Rose Design Associates, this lasted for 4 months. During this time I started to gather an understanding of different stock, and printing processes. After my time at Rose I then went on to work at Webb & Webb, working along side Brian Webb was a brilliant experience for me, he taught me to look at a project in a more defined, detailed light. I was only supposed to be there for 3 weeks as an intern but this lasted 7 months, so I was extremely happy!

I am now working for a design & advertising agency that deals with a lot of digital media, but they have a lot of print work too. I feel that a big change is upon us in the design world and that every designer needs to be equipped and ready for technological shifts. You see print less in London now than you did 6 months ago, posters on the side of buses, once printed posters, now digital animation. In the London underground, digital posters. I love book and magazine design and would hate for print to vanish of the face of the planet, so the agency I am in now gives a good balance for both media.

Can I just say how lucky and honoured I feel to have studied at the University College for the Creative Arts. I realise now that the structure of the course is very good, and has allowed me to be extremely creative and find my own style. Thank you once again for all of your hard work in helping me to get to where I am today. You run a brilliant course. I can see UCCA as being the main creative uni in the country, (even better than London College of Communications and Central St Martins!

I have attached a small sample of work that I have produced since leaving UCCA.

Kindest regards.

Jude Gay.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Graduate Placement Scheme

As Wilson Mizner almost said, "Always be nice to people who are on their way up, because you’ll meet the same people on your way down."

The Graduate Placement Scheme is a quality-assured programme developed exclusively for members of the D&AD Education Council and the country’s outstanding design and advertising graduates. It replaces ad hoc arrangements with a professionally maintained framework that lets employer and placement know exactly what they’re getting.

D&AD’s Graduate Placement Scheme gives agencies the chance to be remembered for the right reasons by the rising stars in the industry. It identifies the sharpest design and advertising graduates, offering them the best placement opportunities in the business and the foot in the door in order to build their own careers.

Graduates who have been commended through the D&AD Student Awards, D&AD Best New Blood, D&AD talentpool, Portfolio Surgeries and Advertising Workshops are eligible for placements.

For further information, please contact Rhiannon James,

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Thursday, 15 November 2007

A Serious Game - Exhibition at Epsom Campus

Andrjez Krauze has been quietly commenting on our lives through his darkly humorous drawings for, amongst others, the Guardian, New Statesman, New Scientist and New York Times. The exhibition covers the range of Andrjez Krauze's output – from the large scale poster to the intimate line drawing, from the haunted images of 'Mr Pen' to the direct political comment. His beautifully crafted illustrations use metaphor, irony and an acute sense of the absurd to cut through smokescreens and illuminate the plain truth.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Peter Anderson: graphic art. An illustrated talk, Tuesday 27th November

St Brides Library, London
  • Admission, including a glass of wine: £5 (£3 concessions), on the door
  • Venue: Bridewell Hall, St Bride Foundation

Peter Anderson, graphic artist and designer, will trace an unusual typographic journey energetically mapped out against an eclectic portfolio of clients and commissions. Starting out with typographic printmaking and the making of artists’ books, his open-minded approach to what the field of graphics might involve has since led him through the construction of three-dimensional typographic interior spaces and now into the area of moving image and the development of television title sequences.

As well as commercial projects for clients including Moschino, BBC and the European Union, Peter Anderson’s work can be found in the Tate Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

His work has also branched out into grand scale commissions, including an installation of poles around the perimeter of the island of St Lucia for the St Lucia Fine Art gallery; a series of installations for Puma Sportswear in London; and both interior design and installations for Paul and Jeanne Rankin’s series of Belfast restaurants. He is currently exploring the graphic use of large scale light sculptures in the branding for Altnagelvin Hospital in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Monday, 5 November 2007

News from Anna Simmons Graphic Design graduate of 2007

Hi Colin,
thanks for your e-mails about jobs. I'm very pleased
to say that after a stressful few months of job hunting,
I've finally been offered a job.

Ironically I'd applied for the assistant design post at
"Designmap" in Ramsgate a week before you sent me
the details. I went for an interview last Wednesday
and was offered the job on Monday. It's a really
good company, with some great ideas and I'm really
excited about starting there. There most recent project
is the "Space Age" exhibition at the V&A museum of
childhood, it opens on 24th November and i'm going to
be a part of it, designing educational packs for young
children. I start next Tuesday and I can't wait.

Thanks for all your help, i'll keep you
updated on my projects and progress.

All the best,


Friday, 2 November 2007

Thursday 8th November at 10:00am E01 - Lecture Eddie Otchere / Pixel to Print

Eddie is a photographer / graphic artist who has worked in a variety of styles which mix the digital and the analogue, and cross the boundaries of photography, graphics and graff. He co-curated the Brixton Graffic Show in 2005 and 2006, and has recently been working at the National Portrait Gallery, most recently curating the show Devotional, and organising related activities including performances and participative events. He will be talking about his experiences of the worlds of curation, design and photography, and how the notion of the print changes as it crosses between these different spheres of operation. If you have heard me talking in the last year about how analogue mixes with digital, or how the medium in which an image is made relates to the context in which it is seen, this Eddie is best placed to talk about these ideas and show you some examples of his work.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Student Exchange Scheme at University College for the Creative Arts at Maidstone

"If you are a student at any of our many partner institutions, we would like to welcome you to the University College as an exchange student."

Please contact your own exchange office for help and guidance or get in touch with us at the Study Abroad Office. If your home institution does not have a formal partnership agreement with the University College, please contact our Admissions Office for application and fees information.

Application Deadlines 2007/08

Semester 1 (07-09-07 to 18-01-08): 30 April 2007
Semester 2 (24-01-08 to 30-05-08): 31 October 2007

General Information:

You will not be expected to pay tuition fees to the University College, as it is normal for exchange students to pay fees to their home institution and NOT their host institution.

Study Abroad periods usually last one semester (3-5 months) and most undergraduate visiting exchange students follow stage two courses. MA and doctoral exchange students are placed on a case-by-case basis.

Friday, 26 October 2007

News from Peter Clarke Graphic Design Graduate at Maidstone College

Hi! It's Pete from last years graduating class.
As you can probably tell from the email, I have succeeded in finding work. In fact, it was not long after leaving Maidstone that I had an interview, a trial period and started work at MSDC in Gravesend. It is a small company who works in both public and private sectors, with such clients as Armitage Venesta, Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre and Edinburgh House. We work with advertising, branding and various other areas of design. We are currently working on the branding for the development of the Gravesend Heritage Quarter which is good fun but lots of work! - I have had lots of my work gone to print, such as an ad in Property Week, which is great. If you, or any students, have any questions, I'd be happy to answer!

Pete Clarke

If he's good perhaps they will let him use the pencil !