Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Student Exchange Scheme at University College for the Creative Arts at Maidstone

"If you are a student at any of our many partner institutions, we would like to welcome you to the University College as an exchange student."

Please contact your own exchange office for help and guidance or get in touch with us at the Study Abroad Office. If your home institution does not have a formal partnership agreement with the University College, please contact our Admissions Office for application and fees information.

Application Deadlines 2007/08

Semester 1 (07-09-07 to 18-01-08): 30 April 2007
Semester 2 (24-01-08 to 30-05-08): 31 October 2007

General Information:

You will not be expected to pay tuition fees to the University College, as it is normal for exchange students to pay fees to their home institution and NOT their host institution.

Study Abroad periods usually last one semester (3-5 months) and most undergraduate visiting exchange students follow stage two courses. MA and doctoral exchange students are placed on a case-by-case basis.

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