Friday, 26 October 2007

News from Peter Clarke Graphic Design Graduate at Maidstone College

Hi! It's Pete from last years graduating class.
As you can probably tell from the email, I have succeeded in finding work. In fact, it was not long after leaving Maidstone that I had an interview, a trial period and started work at MSDC in Gravesend. It is a small company who works in both public and private sectors, with such clients as Armitage Venesta, Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre and Edinburgh House. We work with advertising, branding and various other areas of design. We are currently working on the branding for the development of the Gravesend Heritage Quarter which is good fun but lots of work! - I have had lots of my work gone to print, such as an ad in Property Week, which is great. If you, or any students, have any questions, I'd be happy to answer!

Pete Clarke

If he's good perhaps they will let him use the pencil !

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