Monday, 5 November 2007

News from Anna Simmons Graphic Design graduate of 2007

Hi Colin,
thanks for your e-mails about jobs. I'm very pleased
to say that after a stressful few months of job hunting,
I've finally been offered a job.

Ironically I'd applied for the assistant design post at
"Designmap" in Ramsgate a week before you sent me
the details. I went for an interview last Wednesday
and was offered the job on Monday. It's a really
good company, with some great ideas and I'm really
excited about starting there. There most recent project
is the "Space Age" exhibition at the V&A museum of
childhood, it opens on 24th November and i'm going to
be a part of it, designing educational packs for young
children. I start next Tuesday and I can't wait.

Thanks for all your help, i'll keep you
updated on my projects and progress.

All the best,


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